
In Australia under the NatHERS guidelines, advanced software programs such as FirstRate 5 can be used to assess the expected thermal properties of a proposed dwelling - this enables owners and builders to obtain a House Energy Rating or Thermal Assessment.

When you may need a Thermal Assessment

In most Australian states Thermal assessments are required as part of the Construction Certificate application process design approval and regulatory process for extensions and new buildings. In NSW these assessments are required for the Development Application stage (via BASIX).

How to get a Thermal Performance Assessment

A Thermal Performance Assessment should be obtained before finalising the design plan for your new home as the assessment may show that the plans require modifications prior to submission to the Local Authority for certification and approval.

ecoBright® qualified ASBA Thermal Performance Assessors can easily complete an assessment when you forward a PDF copy of your plans to us.

How long will it take & How much will it cost?

Typical turnaround is around 3 days depending on work load - but this will be confirmed at the time as it depends on complexity and the number of levels in your building.

Developers or Builders completing many units all of similar size and features can expect a lower unit charge - we invite enquiries from anyone building or considering to build a new home.

What's the Next Step?

Contact us now...we can confirm costs and any other information required once you contact us - remember - our quotes are free and you are under no obligation to use our services.

Minimum information required to obtain a Thermal Assessment is:

Building Detail Information Required

Plan of dwelling

A PDF copy of the dwelling's plans - we prefer email as it's faster - however please be mindful that plans bigger than 5MB should be sent in parts or sent through an online file sharing software site such as YouSendIt. Contact your nearest ecoBright® office for more assistance.


True north and the relationship of your building to true north. While this may seem obvious, many plans either don't show a North point, or it is difficult to determine which direction the dwelling is orientated in.


Names of rooms and spaces shown on plans.

Fixed Shading e.g. pergola verandahs, etc

Location and dimensions of any fixed shading.


Width and offset.

External Walls

Proposed material and construction type if not on plans.

Internal Walls

Proposed material and construction type if not on plans.

Windows & Skylights

Proposed type. A window schedule is very helpful, particularly if window dimensions are not clearly visible from plans and elevations.


Proposed material and construction type if not on plans.


Proposed material and construction type if not on plans.