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Victoria - Mount Waverley


Victoria Police Academy, View Mount Road  Glen Waverley, Victoria

The Victoria Police Academy is a principal induction and training facility located in Glen Waverley a suburb of Melbourne in Victoria. The establishment itself exists on a 40 acre allotment and was formerly a Roman Catholic seminary known as Corpus Christi College from 1959-1972. The Victoria Police (VICPOL) purchased the site on 30/10/1972 and opened the Academy in 1973.

          VICPOL's Energy Management branch had seen Save-It-Easy® in VICPOL offices at the World Trade Centre as installed by Asset 1 facility managers for the centre, and they were keen to try the adaptor out for themselves. ecoBright's Terry Kanellos adds "...as a heritage building, the Academy will benefit from the low impact a T5 lighting upgrade using Save-It-Easy® will have on the fittings". With over 1,200 fittings installed, an energy saving measurement program is now in place and VICPOL's energy strategy will feature for some time to come.


The Academy has a variety of luminaires - this is a typical office luminaire that is also marked for upgrade to electronic T5 lamps using Save-It-Easy®.

Ben Munro a VICPOL electrical contractor who is completing the Academy lighting upgrade on VICPOL's behalf prepares a luminaire for the T5 lamp using Save-It-Easy® adaptors.

This specific fitting had a centre piece which hid the starters - the centre piece had to be removed to get to the starters. Note the green Save-It-Easy® connectors replacing the starters.

With the single electronic T5 lamp installed the fitting is now able to be closed up and Ben moves on to the next luminaire.

A close-up picture of the upgraded luminaire, here the first Save-It-Easy® fitted lamp is partially visible along with the adaptor.

The sights in the Police Academy...a museum of uniforms throughout the ages.

A display of VICPOL rank structure and the VICPOL oath.

The VICPOL badge.

The main chapel of the Academy.

A secondary chapel also at the Academy for VICPOL members who have died in the line of duty.

The Academy main building and reception area.

The entrance to the VICPOL Academy's main building and reception area.


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